About The Author

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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
I currently serve as Senior Pastor of Harvest Church in Knoxville, Tn. I was sent out from Trinity Chapel of Knoxville in 1993 accompanied by my wife Sheila our four children Sarah, Hannah, Josiah & Isaac and a handful of bold, brave and committed believers determined to plant our first church. Pioneering is hard work but well worth the journey. That is why we desire to make disciples of Christ who will, like us, also embrace the call to plant churches.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Band Aids for Gaping Wounds Part Three

We hear the heralded preachers on TV address habits, hindrances and issues, but seldom ever do they address sin. They call people to respond to messages of better living, but fail to address mans true need which is deliverance from sin. They are like those in Jeremiahs day.

Jeremiah 6:13 "Everyone’s after the dishonest dollar, little people and big people alike. Prophets and priests and everyone in between twist words and doctor truth. 14 My people are broken—shattered!—and they put on band-aids, Saying, ‘It’s not so bad. You’ll be just fine.’ But things are not ‘just fine’!

Israel had been in rebellion against God for years. The nation was sinning against God. They had left off those things which mattered to God, and had adopted their own sense of right and wrong. Meanwhile, there were prophets and priests who were telling the people how much God loved them and was going to bless them. Peace, peace they were crying.

Jeremiah was trying to warn the nation that unless they repented judgment would come upon them. Jeremiah was letting them know the true state of their condition. Jeremiah was attempting to get them to see their great need for repentance and faith in God.

The false men, however, were contradicting Jeremiah. They likely discredited him by labeling him a cynical, unloving and judgmental man. But Jeremiah was willing to address the real issue that was stealing the soul of Israel and sending the nation into captivity.

The people wanted momentary peace at any price. They wanted the feel good messages of the false prophets of their day, and the false prophets wanted popularity over truth. It was a perfect mix for deception. They did not know they were diseased with sin.

Isn’t it odd that many of the diseases that take the lives of so many today can go undetected in the body? Heart disease is known as the “silent killer.”

I’ve known of people who went most of their lives not knowing a cancer was developing in their body until one day all of a sudden a sharp pain, or regular doctors visit revealed the truth.
Sometimes there a small warning signs, but we largely ignore them because we do not want to hear what we think is bad news.

We want Peace, peace! But there is no true peace. Just deeply buried reality beneath the shifting sands of ignorance and flattery.

Until I know the disease is there how do I do know to deal with it? How do I know to call on the Lord for His help against it?