About The Author

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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
I currently serve as Senior Pastor of Harvest Church in Knoxville, Tn. I was sent out from Trinity Chapel of Knoxville in 1993 accompanied by my wife Sheila our four children Sarah, Hannah, Josiah & Isaac and a handful of bold, brave and committed believers determined to plant our first church. Pioneering is hard work but well worth the journey. That is why we desire to make disciples of Christ who will, like us, also embrace the call to plant churches.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Helping Haiti


During tragedies such as what we are witnessing in Haiti at the moment many feel overwhelmed and at a loss as to what to do to help. The need is so great and we are sometimes at a place of feeling so small and limited that we think that what little we could offer would not make much of a difference. But I say we can make a difference. This is where our involvement in our community through school, work, neighbors etc can really make a big impact. I am forwarding you an e-mail from a good friend of mine Buddy Walker and I have included a communication from Ted Lyke who is also a close friend of mine as well. I want you to read them carefully. I want you to see how effectively and quickly non publicized help can get to Haiti. We’ve done this before during the hurricane of 2008. I then want to ask you to make your work places, your school, your neighbors aware and post it on your Facebook, and your blog if you have one. There are plenty of folks out there who would like to help but do not know where to give or what impact their giving could even have the situation. We can make a difference and we will. Thank you for your prayers and assistance in helping Haiti.

Sincerely Your Servant in Christ,

Pastor Tim Atchley

Dear Friends:

As many of you are aware, my Father and Mother began working in Haiti almost 30 years ago. Many of your have heard the stories of how Dad would give everything he had, even the shoes on his feet to help the poor in Haiti. When he went home to be with the Lord, I felt a burden to continue the work he had begun with the Haitian leaders. During the last 5 years we have formed partnerships with diverse organizations for the purpose of training leaders, ministering to the poor and building momentum for evangelism and church planting.

As you listen to the news reports, you will realize how much confusion, disorder and chaos hinders international relief efforts. The best intentions to help the people can create a public riot resulting in even more injury and death.

Together we did a major food relief initiative after the hurricanes of 2008 and all of the distribution was done through local churches. There was no media coverage and no community publicity, just local ministries being provided resources to minister to their communities. This approach provides a double blessing by meeting the physical needs of the people in an orderly way and empowering the church to share The Good News within their communities.

We have begun to make contact with the Haitian pastors and are getting information concerning their families, homes, congregations and buildings. We are coordinating a trip for a small advance team to organize our relief and team efforts.

Please read the attached letter for the specific details from Ted Lyke who serves as VP of Missions Without Borders, Missions Pastor of CLF and also as Project Coordinator for our outreach in Haiti.

Missions Without Borders is a 501C-3 not for profit organization. 100% of designated funds are used for the purpose for which they are given and donors receive a tax deductible receipt.

We will keep you informed of opportunities to participate with team relief efforts. I want to thank you with all my heart for your compassion, giving and willingness to serve,

Buddy Walker

International Director Missions Without Borders

16411 Whistling Pines Rd. Umatilla, Fl 32784 Tel 352-978-0509


Dear Friends,

This is Ted Lyke, writing to you as Vice President of Missions Without Borders.

By now you know about the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on Tues. Jan 12th. The center of the quake hit very close to Peition-ville, a sub city in Port au Prince, the capital.

We have done much work in that area. We have trained more than 100 leaders through Dynamic Church Planting Int. and last year we did a large Crusade Festival with On the Go Ministries and the Luis Palau Association in Peition-ville. Leaders from Master Builders have done numerous leadership training conferences over the years and Christian Life Fellowship in Cape Coral, FL has organized major food relief and other team efforts. We are connected with a couple of networks of over 100 pastors with churches in Port Au Prince that are in crisis and can use our help.

In the next 1-10 weeks, the most urgent need will be for clean drinking water, food, medical supplies and temporary shelter. This may be our best response. In Nov of 2008, with the help of several other churches and ministries, we were able to pack a 40' shipping container with 285,000 meals and then shipped it to Haiti to distribute to those who were devastated by 4 hurricanes. We would like to ask for your help to do the same thing right now ASAP. The container will weigh 40,000 lbs and it will cost about $1.00 per pound to buy the food, pack it and ship it. When cooked each pound of food will become 3 pounds. A gift of $10-100.00 will really help here.

We also have a resource for water purifiers that can be used to produce several gallons of clean drinking water per day for up to 2 years. The cost for each unit is about $65.00 plus shipping or delivery, so net about $80.00 each. This will keep 100 people alive with water for 1 year.

We have a resource for medical supplies, a gift of $300.00 will buy $10,000.00 of key emergency medical supplies pre packaged and ready to take as a checked bag on a plane.

So here is the request. If your heart is moved and you would like to help, the first and fastest way is to donate money. If you would like to do this, you can send it to:

Missions Without Borders

16411 Whistling Pines Rd.

Umatilla, FL 32784

Write "Haiti Relief" in the memo field to dedicate the funds to this specific need. Please pray about what you can give and then respond. The gift will be tax deductible.

Thank you in advance for anything you can do and please keep praying for the people of Haiti.

Ted Lyke, VP Missions Without Borders

Wk 239-278-4997

Cell 239-822-3663
