Now, here’s what happens sometimes if this snare is not broken through grace.
When I became a teenager and began coming into my own, I had become frustrated and felt used by others. Now I had set this up by my own doing mind you. But something in me snapped in reaction to the bondage I had been in so long and I decided I didn’t care what anyone thought I was my own man and going to whatever I wanted regardless of how it effected others.
To deal with this snare in the flesh one must surrender to rebellion. That is what I did. I began to hold authority in contempt saying all they were trying to do was hold me down and keep me from all that I was entitled to.
See we must never forget that the root of rebellion is pride. See I wanted free from the snare because of selfish reasons. I wanted free so I could serve myself, not God.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that by being a rebel they are doing it for the right reasons when if they allowed the Holy Spirit to probe their hearts on the matter they might discover they are acting selfishly.
To break free from the snare just for my self is not a good premise. But to break free because I have come to realize that the only opinion in all the universe that truly matters when it comes to who I am and what I am doing is God’s, then that puts me in a position of trusting God for how that reality will be mine.
To be free to act in obedience to Christ without worry over what someone else may think about it is liberating. To be free to live by faith in Christ and to walk according to what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me about His purpose is true freedom. Not free to disregard accountability in the body but free to enjoy it. When I walk in faith with Christ I am properly connected with His body.
But notice this is not a rebellious attitude of release from opinions, it is a surrendered heart to Christ. A surrendered heart is submitted to the one to whom it is surrendered and we can be assured that it will act in accordance with His will as opposed to feeling free to act according to it’s own will.
So rather than going around fearful of what others think it is set free to by faith walk in an obedience. Instead of doing things out of fear of others opinions and wanting to be liked and approved it, through love, considers others and is set free to serve.
About The Author
- Tim Atchley
- Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
- I currently serve as Senior Pastor of Harvest Church in Knoxville, Tn. I was sent out from Trinity Chapel of Knoxville in 1993 accompanied by my wife Sheila our four children Sarah, Hannah, Josiah & Isaac and a handful of bold, brave and committed believers determined to plant our first church. Pioneering is hard work but well worth the journey. That is why we desire to make disciples of Christ who will, like us, also embrace the call to plant churches.